As a constantly evolving leader, one is increasingly confronted with wisdom that is still in the public consciousness as knowledge thousands of years old. These have been the basis of the history of excellent and virtuous chiefs, leaders who were able to work with sincere and dedicated service for those for whom they took responsibility, who were members of their team (population).
BBJ Market Talk – Radically different tax system making good digital progress
The Budapest Business Journal interviewed Károly Radnai, the managing partner of Andersen in Hungary, and András Szalai, CEO and managing partner of Process Solutions and asked them to give their assessment of the market situation in Hungary.
János Babos is recognised by BBJ as one of the Top Corporate Financial Executives in Hungary
János Babos, one of CEOs and owners of PS, has been recognised as one of the most influential corporate finance executives in the Hungarian economy by Budapest Business Journal in the latest issue of “Top Executives” series. By the courtesy of BBJ, below we publish János’ interview from the chapter of Executive Biographies.
Valuable time saved with hybrid vocational trainings
The field of training development has undergone a major change in the last two or three years. With the onset of the epidemic, many companies have opted for the Home Office, thus requiring their training providers to change from traditional classroom courses to other forms of training. At Process Solutions, we also started to move to online training during this period and have since then been making intensive use of e-learning.
CEO Letter – A review of the past year and a half at Process Solutions – Challenges and successes. Plans and BPO market outlook
It’s time for Process Solutions to look back on the events of the past year and a half, analyse the results of our adaptation to the pandemic, draw lessons learned and talk about the opportunities for the future, while also touch upon the outlook for the BPO services market.
Leading rating agencies qualified our crisis resilience as excellent
Recently, both Opten and Bisnode have examined Process Solutions Hungary (PS) for crisis resilience. The results are excellent in a highly changing economic environment, which provides clients and employees with the right guarantee for safe and balanced operations.