Digital transformation

Securing Executive Buy-in for Digital Transformation

PS Digi-Blog 7 — In the complex and fast-paced journey of digital transformation, having the executives on your side isn’t just helpful; it’s essential. Imagine trying to drive a car without a steering wheel—that’s what trying to implement digital changes without executive support might feel like. The commitment from those at the top greatly increases the chance of everyone cooperating, and provides both the resources and the strategic oversight needed to navigate through the digital age

Securing Executive Buy-in for Digital Transformation




digitalization, digital transformation, digital strategy, role of executives, digital vision, change management, strategic oversight, company's evolution

Author: Attila Sólyom, Digital Transformation Director, Process Solutions


In a previous article discussing change management, we already established that leadership must model the behaviours they want to see in their employees – it is only natural that this modelling must flow top-down in the hierarchy to maximize its impact.

However, unless the changes driven by digital transformation were initiated by the highest executive level, engaging and aligning the interest of top management is an objective the transformation effort must consciously approach and manage thoroughly.

Challenges in Securing Executive Buy-in

Getting executives to commit to digital initiatives often involves painting a vivid picture of the future that resonates with them.


One must articulate a digital vision that aligns with the company’s trajectory and the executives’ aspirations.


The challenge lies in showcasing this vision as an integral part of the business’s core strategy, not just an IT upgrade or a fleeting trend.

The world of technology moves at breakneck speed, and keeping up can sometimes be daunting for decision-makers who may not be digital experts. There is a real need to strike a balance between the lure of quick, short-term gains and the necessity of a sustained, long-term digital strategy. To put further emphasis on this point, we discussed the balancing act between short- and long-term initiatives in our last article  titled as Digital transformation simplified – delivering quick results in the innovation maze  in more detail.

The executives’ role isn’t just to sign off on a budget; they must become the flag-bearers of change, helping to navigate through the cultural inertia that naturally resists such a shift. Bridging the gap between a legacy mindset and a digital future requires not just keen insight but also the willingness to step out of comfort zones.

Risks to Watch Out For

Without the weight of executive approval, digital projects can find themselves gasping for air—underfunded and under-supported. This lack of backing risks creating a misalignment between the digital initiatives and the company’s broader goals, leading to an organisational disconnect that can be costly. Moreover, without leadership advocating for the adoption of new technologies, companies may find themselves on a slower path to decision-making, reducing their competitive edge in a market that waits for no one.

Tasks at Hand

The road to securing this buy-in involves developing a cogent business case that speaks to the heart of the company’s future and its place in the digital realm. It’s about engaging with executives, taking them by the hand through the digital landscape, and showing them, in no uncertain terms, how their support can dramatically transform the business.


Executives need to see clear metrics that quantify this transformation’s success, and they need to be part of the process—involved in decisions and strategies that make this change tangible.


Providing opportunities for the executives to get their hands dirty, to play with the new tools and platforms, can demystify the digital world. It’s also about lighting the spark of innovation within them, nurturing a mindset that’s always asking, “What’s next?”

Methods and Solutions for Success

To bring executives on board, the approach must be as bespoke as a tailored suit.

  • Communication is key, but it must be done in a way that addresses each executive’s unique concerns and shows them how the digital strategy aligns with their vision.
  • The journey should start with small victories, quick wins that build confidence and pave the way for more substantial changes. Sometimes, bringing in voices from outside the company, experts who can offer new perspectives, can tip the scales in favour of transformation.
  • Training and development play a critical role in enhancing digital literacy amongst the executive team, ensuring they have both the knowledge and the confidence to back the digital initiatives. Moreover, by adopting an iterative process, where feedback is actively sought and acted upon, the company can refine its strategy in real-time, keeping executives engaged and onboard.
  • Lastly, the emphasis on a collaborative culture cannot be overstated. When everyone from the executive team to the frontline employees works together, the transformation becomes not just an IT project, but a new way of operating, a new chapter in the company’s evolution.


In essence, ensuring executive buy-in is not merely a phase in the digital transformation process. It is an ongoing effort that underpins every step of the journey, ensuring that the move to a digital future is not just successful but also sustainable, leading the company to new heights of innovation and competitiveness.

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Our Digi-Blog posts about digital transformation:


6 –  Digital transformation simplified – delivering quick results in the innovation maze


5 –  Challenges of digital transformation from human perspective – Human behaviour-shaping factors


4 –  Digital transformation – Human aspect challenges and key target groups of change management


3 –  Change management and its cultural aspects in the digitalisation of accounting


2 –  5 Key goals for digital transformation in professional business services


1 –  Digitalization – The engine of economic growth in the 21st century


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