Challenges of digital transformation from human perspective – Human behaviour-shaping factors
PS-Digi-blog-5: In this article, we review the main factors that shape human behaviour, which form the basis for an individual’s actions throughout their life, and discuss through examples how understanding these can enhance the effectiveness of change management.
Digital transformation – Human aspect challenges and key target groups of change management
Digi-Blog-4: In our previous post we introduced the 5 most important methods that can be used to mitigate the risk of resistance to cultural changes that facilitate digital evolution. Now we launch our thematic post series presenting the ongoing change management challenges and possible solutions associated with digitalization: we briefly overview the unique characteristics of the human target groups involved in successful change management.
Change management and its cultural aspects in the digitalisation of accounting
Digital-Blog-03: Digital transformation has become a common term in the business world. However, although the challenges of digital transformation are numerous, often the cultural aspects of implementing and using complex digital systems are overlooked. In this article, we will explore the cultural constraints of digital transformation and strategies to overcome them, providing insights to help you successfully navigate this complex and challenging process.
5 key goals for digital transformation in professional business services
Digital-Blog-02: In the opening post of our blog series on the impact of digitalisation on the world of business services, we reviewed the key concepts. In this article, we present the five key objectives of digital transformation, the achievement of which – and continuous improvement – is not only an opportunity, but a prerequisite for business success for ambitious companies. These goals are: improving process efficiency and effectiveness, increasing agility, encouraging collaboration, ensuring greater customer satisfaction, and – a corollary but also a fundamental goal in its own right – reducing costs. As far as we know today, these can only be achieved in parallel through the conscious use of digitalisation technologies, in harmony with the adaptive development of business processes and human resources.
Digitalization – The engine of economic growth in the 21st century
Digital-Blog-01: Thoughts from the perspective of a regional business process outsourcing company. As a result of the forced acceleration of development during the almost three years of the pandemic, we read a lot about the digital revolution, which – given its expansion and attitude-shaping effect – should rather be considered a “digital evolution”. In the series of PS blog posts following this opening article we will review and interpret the most important digitalization trends revolutionizing the changes of business thinking and environment in the 21st century.
The record-holder Farkas Litkey will start Kékszalag Regatta with the Process Solutions Catamaran
Farkas Litkey, thirteen-time Kékszalag winner and four-time Soling world champion helmsman will start Kékszalag of Balaton — the longest, oldest and one of the most exciting sailing competitions in Europe — in the colours of a new eponymous sponsor, Process Solutions Kft, the Hungarian accounting market leader. Thanks to a three-year cooperation and sponsorship agreement, Farkas Litkey, will lead The Process Solutions Catamaran.