Crypto currency taxation in Hungary – PS In-Voice Accounting Podcast
This is the PS In-Voice Podcast, where today we are talking with Eszter Kálóczi, PS SME Tax Team Lead about the taxation of crypto currencies, a very exciting subject.
Reporting and disclosure errors — The experience of an accounting service provider in Hungary
Published company accounts are one of the sources of information that market participants – interested in a company – can use to find out more about it. It therefore goes without saying why it is of major importance that published accounts give a true and fair view of the company. However, there may be errors detected after publication which may distort the true picture to a greater or lesser extent
Knowledge sharing as a strategic building block for firm development in the era of digital transformation
As a leading accounting and payroll service provider company, Process Solutions’ primary and most important resource is the knowledge and experience of its experts, so the more successful we are in delivering our ‘people development’ programmes, the more competitive advantage we can gain in the marketplace.
PS In-Voice Part-1 – Accounting automation is constantly evolving, but human resources will be needed for a long time
Hiring employees in Czechia – 8 basic rules
Labour legislation across Central European region is fairly similar. Although you may have lots of experience from other countries, it is still worth asking the right questions before rushing into hiring employees in Czechia.
Setting up business in Czechia – The basics
No ‘Doing Business Guide’ can help you fully navigate for your particular situation and timing. It is worth reading a few guides and then collaborating with the right partners for business. Feel free to use the below to confirm your checklist is complete and compare answers with other sources. Contact us for a free of charge initial consultation.