Professional life at PS, Microsoft Dynamics NAV, software trainimg, Process Solutions School of Experience, PSSE, Budapest Business School, BGE PSZK
It is very important for our company to offer career opportunity to highly qualified people having practical knowledge. We pay great attention to offering still before graduation university students a possibility for gathering experience that later in practice can be leveraged. That is why for the third consecutive year we hold Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Navision) training that enable students learn the use of this frequently used book-keeping programme.
It is a pleasure for us that we can provide practical knowledge to future professionals that they could not learn during their university studies. This programme too was created through university cooperation. This relationship with economic universities is being strengthened by PS.
In the autumn semester of the 2017-2018 academic year we launched two training sessions with a total of 19 participants from Budapest Business School. The training takes five days. On the last day a test is conducted to survey the knowledge obtained. The students passed the test with excellent result, on the average they achieved 80%. Eight of the students who participated in the training are now working in the PS team.
Our trainers are looking forward to transfer their experience in the spring semester too to enthusiastic applicants, since we continue our tradition and launch in this semester too two groups for BBS students. We trust that many students will take fancy to participate in this training and may start their career in our company with the fresh knowledge obtained, in the youthful environment that they experienced.
Those who participated in the training said about it the following:
“I obtained much more practical knowledge about book-keeping than in school. I found it useful to learn how to use the system because I did not know it.”
“After the training it will be easier to learn the functioning of other book-keeping software.”