excellent crisis proofness, safe and balanced operations, Opten qualification, Bisnode rating, professional life at PS
Opten rated our company with an A+ rating. This category includes the most reliable companies in the domestic market, whose stress tolerance is stronger on average in an unfavorable economic environment. Only 6.8% of those operating in Hungary meet the criteria system required for excellent crisis resilience. The certificate ranks companies based on a summary of two scoring models – the risk rating and the crisis resilience index – based on the financial data available in Opten’s system.
Dun & Bradstreet is one of the highest international certifications that Bisnode is entitled to issue in Hungary. The Dun & Bradstreet report examines the financial processes, ratios, and liquidity position of a given company from all financial sides, from all available sources, over a longer period of time and over a time horizon through the past and the future. The D&B Failure Score for PS is 96 out of 100 points, which means the company is strong in crisis resistance over the next 12 months.
The rating highlighted that operational risks are significantly reduced by the following components:
multi-individual corporate management (in a potential crisis, management replacement is resolved), appropriate level of profit margin, the company has been operating and is available for 12 years at the address and they could not find any burdensome items in our company’s past that could have negatively impacted the certification.
“Since its establishment in 1999, PS we have been operating transparently and predictably. It is clear that during the period of the pandemia, security and crisis resilience have become even more valuable for our clients and employees. Every day, we consciously do a lot to ensure that predictable operations are sustainable even in this dynamically changing economic environment. We pride ourselves on two excellent, independent ratings. We would like to thank our clients for their trust in us over the years, and our employees in all of our offices as well for their perseverance, commitment and, last but not least, their excellent work” – said János Babos, Managing Director of Process Solutions.