Process Solutions Group News

We defended our cup winning position at the BSC Charity Beach Volleyball Championship

In 2024, the regional BSC Charity Beach Volleyball Championship Series will be held for the 3rd time, which awaits teams from business service centers in 5 cities, Warsaw, Krakow, Gdansk and, as the newest venue, Bucharest, in addition to Budapest. In Hungary, BSC teams played for victory on Lupa Island on June 6, 2024.




CEE Business Services Awards 2024, charity beach volleyball tournament, CSR, Budapest

After the Hungarian championship, Ferenc Tari and József Radó, two members of the PS Hungary Team, won the cup again after 2023, shared their thoughts:


How did you prepare for the tournament?

There was no special preparation. The PS Team was organized for the championship by amateur colleagues who loved volleyball at other times. It was a bit difficult that we hadn’t played together as a team before, but in the end we shook up quite easily.


How did it feel to win the charity championship?

Winning is always an uplifting feeling. 😊 But the joy of the game also added a lot to this, and fortunately, after the “bump” of the first game, team morale also “skyrocketed”, thanks to the enthusiastic teammates who kept an eye on each other, supported each other, both on the pitch and on the substitutes’ bench. Not only did we become winners, but we became a real Team in every sense by the end of the tournament. 😊


What was the most difficult moment during the championship and how did you manage to overcome it?

We lost our first game, but maybe that’s what we needed to focus more, because it created the team chemistry that we maintained throughout the tournament. There were some minor mistakes, but someone always “flew” to save even the seemingly hopeless balls. After several throws, we checked to see if the other was in one, but fortunately there were no injuries (… at least apart from sunburn). Thus, a good game gave the whole day its acid and pepper and also laid the foundation for the great joy of victory!


What was the key to your success?

The race was already very good from the start, the weather was also great… Well, the sunshine was quite strong, which also had visible results. 😊 But anyway, all the conditions were in place for a high-quality tournament — we played against good opponents! All of us in the ‘Proci Team’ were enthusiastic, which of course required us to be able to tune in relatively quickly. After exploring our individual abilities and strengths, everyone found their place, so our team performance became stronger match by match. After a while, we felt that we could play not only well, but also beautifully, creatively. 😊 This also strengthened the joy of victory, and this feeling remained long after the race. 😊


Of course, it was not only the victory that gave the team joy – especially since they defended last year’s PS victory – but also the fact that the proceeds of the tournament will help the goodwill work of the “Csodalámpa Foundation”.


Final results of the Hungarian tournament:

1st  Process Solutions Hungary

2nd Grundfos Shared Services

3rd  Albemarle Hungary


Next year we will be back at the competition. 😊


See also CEE Business Media – Facebook

Honorary partners of the tournament: ABSL Hungary, ANIS IT Association, ASPIRE Education Center