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Keeping you update with the latest news, changes and developments covering accounting, tax payroll and digitalization newsletters

We are at your disposal, should you require more details or deeper analysis with a unique touch for your business.

VAT Control statement and changes in accounting records in Czechia

02-01-2016 Tax Czech Republic

Several key areas that need to pay special attention when originating accounting records from January 1, 2016.

Changes in the amendment to the law of income tax from 1.1.2016

20-12-2015 Tax Slovakia
Changes in the amendment to the law of income tax from 1.1.2016 …

Amendment on Accounting Act in Czechia

19-12-2015 Accounting Czech Republic

Starting from 1 January 2016 an amended Accounting Act, including related decrees and accounting standards …

YE2015 - Changes in tax laws in Hungary (Part 2)

15-12-2015 Tax Hungary

Modifications of the Rules of Taxation and the PIT Tax have been highlighted in our previous newsletter – in this issue we browse through the changes made to other taxes and dues.

YE2015 - Changes in tax laws in Hungary (Part 1)

15-12-2015 Tax Hungary

In this newsletter we are going to review the more significant modifications made recently to the Act on the Rules of Taxation and to the Personal Income Tax.


VAT control statement in Czech Republic

10-12-2015 Tax Czech Republic

Based on an amendment of VAT Act effective from 1st January 2016 new mandatory report VAT control statement…