Charity collection, Process Solutions Poland, Cristmas charity event, Children's Home in Szczutowo
Author: Katarzyna Jarmuzek, Head of Administration, Process Solutions Poland
The end of the year is a unique, long-awaited time for many of us, when we are counting forward by opening the windows of the advent calendar one by one.
The smell of gingerbread cookies and the family atmosphere – this is how Christmas should look like not only in the advertising spots created by specialists to encourage us to do more pre-Christmas shopping.
Unfortunately, December is also undeniably the moment of the year when restrictions caused by a difficult financial or family situation become painfully obvious for many people. And the Christmas fairy tale watched on the screens hurts even more severely.
Therefore, during this period, the PS team is happy to engage in various charity initiatives ⭐️. We are happy when our help makes them meet the most urgent needs, or simply brings smiles to faces.
In recent years, we have supported the Single Mothers House, the Social Welfare Home and we took part in the preparation of the Noble Gift (initiative organised on a massive scale in Poland).
This year we decided to help Santa Claus prepare gifts for the children of the Children’s Home in Szczutowo. They are mostly teenagers, kids on the threshold of adulthood.
The Director of the House, Mrs. Nina, helped us greatly in the efficient coordination of this action, and the recipients informed us about their dream gifts using hand-made letters.
Our employees, as usual, did not disappoint. It was very nice to see how they looked through the letters hanging on the board with excitement and reserved the opportunity to buy smaller or larger gifts.
We managed to collect gifts for all 15 children of the Children’s Home in Szczutowo, so on December 21 (since the Christmas Eve for kids was organized then) they could unwrap the long-awaited gifts.
On behalf of the administration team, coordinating this action, and the management team, I would like to thank all employees who decided to support this initiative – together we can do so much more!
Thanks also to the invaluable Paulina and Karola – they were the ones who tied the action together and guaranteed that the gifts would reach the kids on time.
Say yes to charity!
Source of photos: domdzieciszczutowo.pl