

Thoughts from the world of accounting, payroll and business process outsourcing written by experts.


28-06-2018 GDPR Hungary

Different people, different views. One thing is, however, common: many view the data protection regulation that is applicable since 25 May as a sort of data protection reform. It is a different issue, that at least the same number of people think it is an unnecessary burden.


13-06-2018 GDPR Hungary

Many company executives were relieved to hear that GDPR is about protection of personal data, saying that they are not affected since they do not process any personal data. They would have felt differently if they knew how personal data is defined in the Regulation.


06-06-2018 GDPR Hungary

Anyone who has not heard yet about GDPR, must have at least once met it during the masses of e-mails over the last days. Those who have already heard about it and were calm to encounter the date of entry into force must have prepared their data processing register, except when they were released by the Regulation from the obligation because they have less then 250 employees.

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

28-05-2018 GDPR Hungary

DPO, is it the best job in the world?  Well, it may be somewhat more trendy to be a pilot. Let’s see, what other professions exist where legislation requires that you may not accept any instruction about the performance of your tasks, you may not be called to account and you may not be dismissed? Not many, that is for sure, but it involves some responsibility too.

GDPR – About providing information

10-05-2018 GDPR Hungary

You might have heard the story of the ‘microwaved cat’ before. This issue was unsettling enough to be true and to draw our attention to the importance of providing the proper information via the proper channel on time…

Who do you need for GDPR preparation?

19-04-2018 GDPR Hungary

Prior to the digitalization era, to gain and keep customer confidence was limited to deliver continuous high-quality service. Nowadays, data privacy has become at least as important. If a company cannot guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and availability of our information, we simply do not trust them … As a recent data breach shows us: who wants to be on Facebook today? (See more about Facebook – Cambridge Analytica scandal)