Process Solutions News and Events

News and Events

Learn about the latest company highlights and events.

Empowering Excel Enthusiasts – The PS Excel Club's Journey

07-12-2023 News Hungary

While the future holds exciting opportunities in leveraging business intelligence solutions and AI neural networks, mastering Microsoft Excel remains a valuable skill that can make your personal and professional life more efficient, especially if you are working in accounting and payroll such as ourselves.

Process Solutions introduced internal Artificial Intelligence (AI) Guidelines

21-10-2023 News Hungary

Process Solutions recently published principles of  AI usage among its employees. In this, we emphasize the personal professional responsibility related to the recent prominence of AI technologies and draw attention to the opportunities and risks associated with AI solutions.

Process Solutions Poland promoted 28 talented professionals

13-09-2023 News Poland

This week we had the utmost pleasure of celebrating the employee promotions in the Polish office, with 28 qualified specialists being promoted to the new positions.

Process Solutions Poland – Our first 15 years

08-03-2023 News Poland

Tomasz Tąkiel, the Partner and Managing Director of PS Poland, shares his experiences on PS launch and 15-year history of the Polish branch.

Process Solutions – We say yes to charity

30-12-2022 News Poland

Now, we’d like to share a few words about the Christmas initiative organized by PS Poland.  For as long as I can remember, Process Solutions Group has been organizing a charity collection for those in need every year to make the Christmas season a little more pleasant for them. This year we collected gifts for Children’s Home in Szczutowo.

PS Hungary supports the future payroll staff with an Adult Education Scholarship Program

07-12-2022 News Hungary

To support the growth of our payroll business we launched our “Payroll Scholarship Program”, which aims to support the adult education of our employees in addition to internal professional trainings. In this article we present the main elements of the Program. It is worth reading if you want to gain professional skills in payroll.